Navigator flowcharts show several interlocking key processes to visually identify what needs to be done when, and by whom. Clicking on any box will take you to a more detailed description page. The Navigator icon is found throughout the site, and serves as an alternate finder to the site map. Anothr finding option is Search.
Assess Situation Direction, political alignment, initial organizing.
Change Drivers Roles and tasks for those leading change and changing culture
Managing Results Managing Key Results to achieve measured stretch goals and standards
Grow Leaders Create a leadership team that can achieve business objectives. A complete management development program.
People Capital/Ideation Mining Knowledge management techniques to make every employee a manager and implement widescale improvements.
"By the yard its hard, by the inch it's a cinch." At first Gold Standard Management may seem difficult as there are many pieces. Think of it this way: a jigsaw puzzle piece is a pretty simple thing in itself; the complexity comes from the large number of pieces that have to be put together. Solving any puzzle is not done all at once. It's done one piece at a time. The Navigator will help you locate where you are and what to do.
Assess Situation — Direction, political alignment, initial organizing.
Change Drivers — Roles and tasks for those leading change and changing culture.
Managing Key Results to achieve measured stretch goals and standards.
Grow Leaders — Create a leadership team capable of achieving business objectives. Suggested steps in a year long management development program.
PeopleCapital and IdeationMining — The process by which ideas are gathered, developed, and implemented (referred to as DIGs and JDIs)