High Quality Toolset

Wrote Robert Townsend, "If it's not excellent, it won't be profitable. If it's not excellent, it won't be fun. And if you're not in business for fun or profit, what the hell are you doing here?" While lip service quality has always been present in American healthcare, organizations are finally doing the work of getting information systems in place, implementing standard clinical protocols, and dealing with the substantial problem employee issue which continues to exist. This Toolset will help you dig deep with its common sense logic and its power tools. The change manual organizes the work to be done under various Initiatives (in bold) and the specific Tasks they require (bulleted). Sample Task.

Full Toolset Manual for High Quality: Creating Systemic High Quality — High Quality Module.zip

Toolset Manual Contents

Toolset Manual Contents

HQ.0 Change Module Assignments

Sample Task

Task HQ.4.6 Study NCQA Standards & HEDIS Quality Information

Priority: A
Timing: Begin following TUL Session V
Teamleader: Module Leader
Recommended Approach: DIG
Other Assignees: None
Interactions With Others: TBD

Work To Be Done: The National Council on Quality, and the Health Employers Data Information Set (HEDIS) are two sources of quality based statistical information that can be used to gauge your organization's quality performance, share quality initiatives and information, and watch for trends in quality and healthcare business in general.

The NCQA is intensively addressing quality issues and houses information on quality initiatives from all industries. Thus, this is a valuable source of information for quality best practices from the most excellent organizations as well as healthcare organizations.

HEDIS, on the other hand, is primarily interested in cost, quality outcomes, and most recently added to the list is their interest in Customer Satisfaction results from healthcare providers. Thus, knowledge of organizational performance statistics as housed by HEDIS provides you with competitive data—what you need to meet or exceed in order to remain or become competitive in your area. They are also rapidly becoming a powerful source of information for employer coalition negotiations for healthcare coverage, as well as a source of information for managed care companies who are negotiating contracts for the coming period of time.

Your Task is to find out how your organizational performance statistics compare with others in the HEDIS bank of information. Evaluate your comparative performance and set new, greater and higher standards of performance. If you cannot address all of the performance areas simultaneously, then choose those statistics that will have the greatest impact for the effort and begin work rapidly on those initiatives. Create a tactical plan to meet or exceed the HEDIS performance stats identified as being a priority.