From Losers to Winners
How to Handle Problem Employees and What to Do When You Can't

This book has sold more copies on how to manage the problem employee than any other. In multiple languages around the globe and in multiple printings in the US, the book has proven a perennial favorite.

Managingproblem people is the most frustrating job in management. Employees who cannot or will not perform are so out of sync with the manager's own desire for achievement that they represent an almost insuperable communication problem. On top of the manager's daily work pressures is heaped the unwanted load of a few people who demand a disproportionate share of time and attention. It seems that every manager has at least one problem person, either a firable where the best course is to remove them, or a marginal where the challenge of getting them back on track often becomes a contest of wills, frustration, and stress. This book is designed to help managers either solve these problems or rid their organizations of people who will not respond. Its positive message is that managers can often make problemed people productive, and even turn them into star performers.This book presents several hundred specific suggestions, strategies, techniques, and tools. Hardback, 188 pp.

Book Contents

What You'll Find In
From Losers to Winners

          1. From Losers to Winners
          2. Who Is the Problem Employee?
          3. Inventory and Action Plan for Problem Employee Managing
          4. Eight Steps to Positive Prevention
          5. I Hate Performance Appraisal
          6. But I Love Planned Performance
          7. Eight Steps to Positive Discipline of Problem Employees
          8. Making Communication Work
          9. Special Cases/Special Approaches
          10. Formal Disciplinary Procedures
          11. Power Counseling: The Last Talk
          12. Fire Somebody
          13. Keep It Legal